Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Scale

Pretty exciting, huh? I weighed 198.8 lbs at 5pm. At 6pm I weighed 199.2 because I drank some water. After going pee I was back to 198.8. Finally, an accurate (or at least consistent) scale. We'll see what it says in the morning.
Today I only walked 1.24 miles, but burned 2001 calories against consumption of - ready for this? - 759 calories. No wonder I feel faint. Everyone reading this blog (which means Cari I think) knows how stubborn I am and here's where it pays off.


  1. sheesh. Maybe you need to eat something!

  2. Skinny people don't look as cool when they're passed out on the floor.

  3. As long as there's not a chalk outline around the body I'm ok with that.
