Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rube Goldberg

Rube is one of my heroes. Born over a hundred years ago, he had the foresight to see how technological complexity tends to increase to ridiculous and sometimes self-defeating proportions, and he had the artistic talent and good humor to allow us to poke fun at ourselves through his drawings. This picture is of a typical Rube Goldbergian "labor-saving" device: an automatic toothpaste dispenser.
As it happens, my day job is all about dreaming up ways to automate things in ways that are ideally both highly labor-saving and also reasonably reliable. But, at least once or twice a day someone comes to tell me that the toothpaste isn't coming out and I then spend painstaking hours figuring out that the weight isn't falling on the teeter-totter because the cuckoo isn't popping the balloon any more, or that the egg flew through the air as expected, but missed the frying pan. Or that the cat, finally realizing the mouse is fake, got bored and wandered off instead of pouncing on the lever that releases the trebuchet that hurls a banana at the trained monkey who slides two abacus beads to the left which debits your credit card and sends you an acknowledging email. It's like that, except that the reality is far more complex (though equally bizarre). For your amusement, here's a good one from someone with way too much time on his/her hands.


  1. That's funny. This makes your job sound more interesting than it may be for you!
    The clip led me to another clip etc., etc., which caused me to wonder if I had too much time on my hands as well. I kept expecting to see a cat in the background that was being entertained/ bemused... but it would seem to be for human entertainment.
    The editing caused me to wonder if it was entirely successful, or multiple 'projects'.

  2. I'm guessing the clip was many mini-projects edited together. The failure rate of any system increases exponentially with each additional layer of complexity, which is why I expect civilization to come crashing down any minute now. But that will be another blog... :o)

  3. Now I want to go and build one of these things.

  4. I kept waiting for it to lead to some mundane, but necessary task like feeding the cat or starting the dishwasher!

  5. Yeah, it did sort of miss the point by not doing anything useful at the end, huh?
