Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Someone's Feeling Cranky...

And it's me. My back went out again on Monday. (What the heck does that mean anyway? Where did it go and when's it coming back? Some say they "threw their back out." I'd like to throw mine out.) But I digress... I can't sleep because I wake up shrieking every 15 minutes when I try to turn over, I can barely walk - assuming I can first stand up, the big painkiller horse pills and muscle relaxants are just useless, and this giant glass of wine is only raising the level of sarcasm. Not that anyone's noticed. Aarghh! OK, I'm done. :-)


  1. I've been free from back pain for, oh, about ten minutes. Actually it's been about a month. My back was "out" most of Sept and Oct. I feel your pain.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. I figured it was partly a genetic thing. If it hurts this bad now, you sort of have to wonder what the next fifty years will be like. Yay.
