Monday, July 27, 2009

The Week in Review

Let's see... 100-plus degree heat for days to come, found out Bugg (the pug) is diabetic (two shots a day from now on - yay), major layoffs at work (Why are they still called that? It's not like they'll be calling anyone back. I guess "mass firings" just doesn't sound very good), Duke (our tenant) sliced his hand open last night and came down to bleed all over our kitchen (Brought the health care debate into sharp focus since he lacks health insurance. People in this country shouldn't have to choose between getting a serious laceration stitched up and groceries). Oh, and I can't breathe - at least not easily. Not sure what that's all about.

OK, I guess that was mostly the bad and/or ugly. On the bright side, I'm still employed, which means we can afford things like insulin and air conditioning. And food. And health care. And I have a supportive and caring family. Come to think of it, things are looking up. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thought I was having a heart attack last summer. Couldn't breathe. Chest hurt. Turns out I my esophagus was spasming. I quit chewing 14 pieces of very strong mint gum daily (mint relaxes the muscle that's supposed to keep everything down where it belongs and not in your throat.) and bought a bottle of TUMS. Just a suggestion. Stress makes it worse, BTW.
