Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fat Dad

On Monday nights, Austin is in a group/class where they talk about and practice social skills. You know - look people in the eye, stand up straight, don't mumble, don't talk about yourself the whole time, etc. (If you're thinking yours truly should go to that class, well, you're probably right.) Anyway, it's after dinner and I'm just sitting down to read the last of "The Tao of Pooh" when Austin decides to try out his new mojo on me. "Dad?" he says seriously. "Yes?" I reply with equal coolness. "I don't mean to offend you, but you could stand to lose some weight," he says proudly. I'll give him a B+ for delivery, and mostly overlook the content because I think Things Kids Should Never Say To An Adult (like "Wow, you're really old!" or "What's that smell?" or "You could stand to lose some weight.") isn't until week six, and it's only been a month.

But the facts remain: Dad is fat, and weak, and vulnerable to injury and weird medical anomalies as happened recently. Dad is turning 40. Dad is depressed. Dad is excessively referring to himself in the third-person.

So what to do? The best weight loss method I've found so far is to tell everyone what I weigh and how much I'm going to lose. So here it is. This morning I weighed 203lbs. I'm going to lose 25lbs - to come in just under 180lbs. That's still on the upper end of where I should be, but it's a start. I'll post my new, improved weight at least weekly so y'all can scoff or applaud, as the case may be. Oh yes, and by my birthday. Stay tuned.


  1. Hey, at least he doesn't call you Big Fat Dad (and have a song titled the same), like we call our dad :)

  2. If we lived a few hundred years ago you would be considered well-to-do. They would paint portraits of you and feed you roasted pig (please don't swear by my historical accuracy).

  3. I hope you can continue finding the motivation to keep losing weight and strengthening yourself to feel better.

    I know if you put your mind to it, you can do anything!

    Go Steve, Go! :-)
